follow your dreams

Take A Moon Shot

Everyday I wake up early and dedicate the first hour of the day to inspiration, discovery and creativity.  I allow the unpredictable pull of my imagination to take me wherever it pleases.  I often end up developing some far-fetched ideas, or as google’s founder Larry Page calls them “moon shots”.  My mind naturally steers in this direction because I believe the world is full of possibilities and moon shots are within reach.  

A couple years ago I woke up feeling an urge to create something unlike anything else, something that would inspire like-minded adventurers.  Not knowing quite what it was or where to start, I decided that everything would fall together after thinking of the perfect name.  After thinking up several terrible names like “Pretty Much Amazing” and “Goosebumps”, I thought of the name “Live Unbound”.  I started by drawing a little picture to represent what the word meant to me.  

Then I began writing what later became the LiveUnbound Manifesto and decided to create a series of videos to illustrate it. For me this was a moon shot because I was never a good writer, I had no funding and little time to devote to creative ventures.

Two years later the LiveUnbound message has reached millions of people and has given me the chance to live my dream.  The dream of making a living through my creativity, traveling the world and creating positive impact.  

Extraordinary things happen when you give yourself the opportunity to live in accordance with the boundless nature of our existence.  

The Guiding Light

We all have a treasure that awaits us.  When we’re young, our heart constantly gives us clues on how to find it.  We start our search and quickly face obstacles which test our ability, determination and courage.  As we struggle in these challenges we become distracted by an easier, safer path.  We often take it because avoiding pain is our priority, not seeking pleasure.

Our heart tells us we’re off course but we ignore it.  We settle into a life of mediocrity, convincing ourselves that our search was a far fetched dream and now we must face reality.

We go to the movies, read books, visit museums and marvel at the incredible work that others have created.  Completely unaware of our capacity to create the same beauty.  

As the years pass our guiding light becomes dimer, as if our heart knows that we suffer when reminded that our search is over.  But as dim as the light may be, it never disappears completely because in some far off place still lies our greatest treasure.  

Inspired by “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho.


Photograph by © Ben Canales